*L-Evanġelju ta’ S.Mattew li qed jinqara f’dawn il-Ħdud, jippreżentalna in-nisrani fi proċess kontinwu u li jieħu ż-żmien, tal-konverżjoni, frott tal-laqgħa personali ma’ Ġesù Kristu u l-fidi fih. Rajna kif anke fi bliet pagani, Ġesù Kristu għamel mirakli, hu li ġie biex jfittex lil dawk li ntilfu mid-dar ta’ Iżrael. Għal min ikkonverta, dan kien mument uniku għax ra lilu nnifsu mfejjaq, ħieles u mħaddan mill-ħniena. Għal min kien mimli bih innifsu u qatt ma ħass il-bżonn li jiltaqa’ mas-Salvatur, laqgħat bħal dawn pjuttost iddiżappuntawh u skandalizzawh.

*Il-Vanġelu llum, iqaxxar din is-sitwazzjoni. Għandna żewġ aħwa tal-istess Missier li jirċievu l-istess kmand x’jobdu. It-tnejn ġiebu ruħhom ħażin miegħu għax ma stmawx ir-rieda tal-missier, imma fl-aħħar mill-aħħar it-tnejn irrejalizzaw li ħadd minnhom ma kien aħjar minn ħadd. Inkixef il-bżonn li tinbidel il-fehma biex kull wieħed induna x’kellu f’qalbu. Għax il-Mulej kellu raġun meta stqarr li n-nisa tat-triq u l-midinbin jidħlu qabel kulħadd fis-Saltna, qabel dawk li jsejħulu ‘Mulej, Mulej’. Hekk qal il-Profeta Eżekjel fl-I Qari: “Forsi l-imġieba tiegħi mhix sewwa? Mhux l-imġieba tagħkom li mhix sewwa?”.

*Mela mhux kull ma jolqot l-għajn, u mhux kull ma jdoqq ħelu, jiswa quddiem Alla! Dak li jtebba’ lill-bniedem mhux dak li jidħol minn barra, bħalma it-tazza mhux biżżejjed tkun nadifa minn barra, imma l-aktar li jgħodd li tkun nadifa minn gewwa ukoll. Għax dak li joħroġ mill-qalb, dak li jtebba’ lill-bniedem. Hemm bżonn urġenti għall-konverżjoni. X’ifisser dan? Ifisser li nibdew inkunu umli, li ngħarfu min aħna tassew, jekk dak li qed nagħmlu hux qed nagħmluh bl-ambizzjoni jew hux għall-frugħa. Għal dan qed jistedinna San Pawl fit-II Qari, biex jekk imxennqin għal għal ftit faraġ, għal ħlewwa fl-imħabba, ħniena, mogħdrija u għaqda bejnietna, jeħtieġ li Alla jidħol fi ħsibijietna u nħalluh jibdlilna n-natura mħassra tagħna ma tiegħu. Jekk irridu nqisu lilna nfusna li aħna ta’ Ġesù Kristu jeħtieġ li ngħixu kif għex Hu stess.

*Dan hu l-iskop li llum qed niċċelebraw JUM L-ORDNI FRANĠISKAN SEKULAR, biex nissensibilizzaw lilna nfusna lkoll kemm aħna dwar din ir-rejaltà fil-Knisja. Huwa Ordni mibdi minn San Franġisk innifsu biex jilqa’ fih persuni li filwaqt jibqgħu jgħixu l-istat tagħhom bla ma jintrabtu bil-wegħdiet religjużi, jieħdu b’serjetà u jattwaw il-Vangelu billi jgħixu l-magħmudija skond il-ħsieb u l-esperjenza ta’ San Franġisk fiż-żminijiet tal-lum. Le, it-Tielet Ordni Franġiskan mhux mezz biex ikun akkwistat qabar għal wara mewtna, mhux għaqda tal-anzjani jew tar-romol jew b’sigurtà għax tiltaqa’ sempliċiment m’oħrajn bi problemi bħal tiegħekk. Illum l-Ordni iħaddan fih mal-350,000 persuna, miżżewġa, anzjani, żgħażagħ, nies minn kull stat ta’ ħajja f’76 pajjiż inkluż pajjiżna ukoll biex jircievu formazzjoni ħalli jagħmlu esperjenza ta’ Ġesù Kristu mhux fuq livell sentimentali jew devozzjonali u li ħafna drabi xorta jħallu l-persuna vojta, mtaqqla, instabbli u
atea quddiem il-problemi ħajjin, imma mgħejjuna mill-ħeġġa, mill-kelma, mill-kitba u l-għixien ta’ San Franġisk li fi żmienu sar Vanġelu ħaj, il-membri fi ħdan dan l-Ordni, ikollhom l-istess spirtu nisrani u jaslu jkunu xiehda awtentiċi tal dak li huma wegħdu fi1-Magħmudija: Melħ tal-art u Dawl għad-dinja.

*Qed nagħmlulkom stedina biex tissieħbu f’dan l-Ordni biex ikollkom esperjenza vera tal fidi f’Alla, tal qadi ħieles minn kull biża’ jew kompromess, ta’ fejqan sħiħ u konverżjoni biex bħal San Franġisk tibqa’ fina ambizzjoni waħda, li nkunu nsara fil-knisja, b’saqajna fl-art imma ħsibijietna, kliemna u għemilna mhux aktar ikkundizzjonati mis-soċjeta’ imma mdawwrin lejn Alla li għandu storja għalina u jridna nħossuna maħbubin minnu u nitrasmettu din l-imħabba lejn xulxin, bejn il-familji, u mhux l-inqas lejn il-ħolqien u l-ambjent li jdawwarna.

Ix-xewqa tal-Knisja li approvat dan l-Ordni hi, li l-persuna tal San Franġisk u l-messagg tiegħu li baqa’ dejjem frisk f’kull żmien, tidher u tinħass mhux biss bil-patrijiet u s-sorijiet li ħaddnu l-idejal tiegħu; imma b’kull nisrani li mas­salmista llum jista’ jgħid:
Mexxini fis-sewwa tiegħek u għallimni,
għax int Alla tas-salvazzjoni tiegħi.
Għalik nixxennaq il-jum kollu;

Nitolbu biex fil-verità nħossu l-bżonn bħall-wieħed mill-aħwa tal-Vanġelu! li biddel fehmtu u emmen fir-rieda tal-Missier. Illum qed nippreżentawlkom it-Tielet Ordni Franġiskan bħala wieħed mill-mezzi fi ħdan il-Knisja li jista joffrilkom spazju fejn Alla nnifsu juri triqtu lilna midinbin u fiha jmexxina fis-sewwa kollu, b’risq is-salvazzjoni tagħna u ta’ ħutna.


To read the Article from the CIOFS website click:
ROLE OF THE ASSISTANT in the pastoral visit to the local Fraternity and as witness of the elections in the Fraternity

By Carl Schäfer OFM


A. The Visits

The SFO Rule in Art. 26 speaks of the pastoral and the fraternal visit:

To promote fidelity to the charism as well as observance of the Rule and to receive greater support in the life of the fraternity, the Minister or President, with the consent of the Council, should take care to ask for a regular pastoral visit by the competent religious Superiors as well as for a fraternal visit from those of the higher fraternities, according to the norm of the Constitutions.

The SFO General Constitutions (GC) in Art. 92 define the purpose of the visits:

1. The purpose of both the pastoral and the fraternal visits is to revive the evangelical Franciscan spirit, to assure fidelity to the charism and to the Rule, to offer help to fraternity life, to reinforce the bond of the unity of the Order and to promote its most effective insertion into the Franciscan Family and the Church.

2. In the visits to the local Fraternities and to the Councils at the various levels, the Visitor will verify the evangelical and apostolic vitality, the observance of the Rule and Constitutions and the insertion of the Fraternities into the Order and into the Church.

3. In the visits to the local Fraternities and to the Councils at the various levels, the Visitor will communicate the object and the program of the visit to the interested Council in ample time. He or she will examine the registers and the acts, including those relative to the election of the Council and to the administration of goods. He will draw up a report of the visits carried out, appending it to the acts in the appropriate register of the Fraternity visited, and will inform the Council by whom the visit was requested.

A pastoral and/or a fraternal visit can be made to an entire Fraternity or to the Council of a Fraternity. It is important that the object of the visit be defined clearly and that the Visitor communicate this object to the Council concerned.

The purpose and area of verification common to both visits are clear from the first three paragraphs of Art. 92.

The common purpose is: to revive the evangelical Franciscan spirit; to assure fidelity to the charism and to the Rule; to offer help to fraternity life; to reinforce the bond of the unity of the Fraternity; to promote its most effective insertion into the Franciscan Family and the Church.

The common area of verification is: evangelical and apostolic vitality; observance of the Rule and Constitutions; insertion of the Fraternity into the SFO, the Franciscan Family and the Church; examination of the registers and the acts, including those relative to the election of the Council and to the administration of goods.

An informational questionnaire and another for evaluation purposes are available: the Visitors can forward these to the Fraternity some months in advance of the visits. The questionnaires are of great help in conscientising the Fraternity and in the verifying to be done by the Visitors. Also available is a form for evaluating the Fraternity, to be filled in after the visits.

Let us continue with Art. 92:

4. In the visits to the local Fraternity, the Visitor will meet with the entire Fraternity and with the groups and sections into which it is divided. He or she will give special attention to the brothers and sisters in the period of formation and to those brothers and sisters who may request a personal meeting. Where required, he or she will proceed to the fraternal correction of the shortcomings which they had to confront.

In the visits to the local fraternity, provision is made for a meeting, at the outset, with the Council of the Fraternity, for the information of the Visitor, and for another meeting at the end for the information of the Council itself, for the presentation of the immediate recommendations of the Visitor and for planning together for the future.

In addition to the time for personal meetings, provision is also made for other meetings: with the Assistant; with the entire Fraternity (and its various groups); with those in the period of initiation and of initial formation; with the Council of the Franciscan Youth associated with the local Fraternity of the SFO. Moreover, thought should be given to a meeting with the parish priest, whether he is a Franciscan or not, and with the Guardian when the Fraternity is connected with a Franciscan house.

The SFO General Constitutions then describe separately the fraternal visit and the pastoral visit. In regard to the pastoral visit, Art. 94 says:

1. The pastoral visit is an expression of the "altius moderamen" and of the pastoral care of the SFO entrusted by the Church to the First Order and the TOR. It is carried out in the name of the Church and serves to guarantee and promote the observance of the Rule and the Constitutions and fidelity to the Franciscan charism.

According to Art. 94, the pastoral visit is an exercise of the power of jurisdiction, i.e., an expression of the altius moderamen which Articles 85.2 and 86.1 of the SFO General Constitutions speak about:

Art. 85.2: The spiritual and pastoral care of the SFO, entrusted by the Church to the Franciscan First Order and the TOR, is the duty above all of their General and Provincial Ministers. The "altius moderamen", of which canon 303 speaks, belongs to them.

Art. 86.1: The General and Provincial Ministers exercise their office with respect to the SFO through: the establishment of Fraternities; the pastoral visit; the spiritual assistance to the Fraternities at the various levels. They may exercise this office personally or through their own delegate.

Regarding the power of jurisdiction, the Code of Canon Law in canon 129 says:

§1. Those who are in sacred orders are, in accordance with the provisions of law, capable of the power of governance, which belongs to the Church by divine institution. This power is also called the power of jurisdiction.

§2. Lay members of Christ's faithful can co-operate in the exercise of this same power in accordance with the law.

The delegate referred to in Art. 86.1 of the SFO General Constitutions, to be able to exercise the power of jurisdiction in making a pastoral visit, must himself be "in sacred orders". Therefore, an Animator is not permitted to make a pastoral visit to an SFO Fraternity.

The General Constitutions in Art. 94 continue:

4. The Ministers of the .... local Fraternities, with the consent of the respective Councils, request the visits from the religious Superiors according to their own Statutes at least every three years.

5. For urgent and serious reasons or in case of failure on the part of the Minister or the Council to request it, the pastoral visit may be carried out upon the initiative of the competent religious Superior.

B. Role of the Assistant in the pastoral visit

We are not talking here about the Assistant of the local Fraternity. He, in fact, is among those visited. We are talking about the Assistant Visitor. Regarding the role of this Assistant in the pastoral visit, the SFO General Constitutions in Art. 95 say:

1. The Visitor will carry out his task with respect to the organisation and the law proper to the SFO.

2. Having verified the canonical establishment of the Fraternity, he will concern himself with the relations between the Fraternity and its Spiritual Assistant and the local Church. He will meet the pastors (bishop or parish priest) when this is opportune for fostering communion and service for building up the Church.

3. He will promote collaboration and a sense of co-responsibility among the secular leaders and the religious Assistants. He is to examine the quality of the spiritual assistance given to the visited Fraternity, encourage the Spiritual Assistants in their service and promote their continuing spiritual and pastoral formation.

4. He will give special attention to programs, methods and experiences of formation, to the liturgical and prayer life and to the apostolic activities of the Fraternity.

It is specified that the pastoral visit is an expression of the altius moderamen and of the pastoral care of the SFO entrusted by the Church. Carrying out the pastoral visit in the name of the Church, the Visitor must guarantee and promote the observance of the Rule and the Constitutions and fidelity to the Franciscan charism.

The pastoral Visitor verifies the canonical erection of the Fraternity. If it has not been canonically erected, the Visitor will propose the steps to be taken. He gives particular attention to the programs, methods and experiences of formation; to the liturgical and prayer life; to the apostolic activities of the Fraternity.

The pastoral Visitor takes an interest in the relations between the Fraternity and its Spiritual Assistant and in the relations with the particular Church, meeting the pastors for fostering communion and building up the Church at parochial and diocesan level. He promotes the collaboration and the sense of co-responsibility between the secular leaders and the religious, verifying the quality of the assistance of the friars, encouraging the local Assistant in his service, promoting the continuing spiritual and pastoral formation of the Assistant.

It is important that the pastoral Visitor hears the Fraternity at a meeting, giving to everyone the opportunity for dialogue in a question-and-answer exchange, sharing faith, hope and fraternal love with them.

It is essential for the role of the pastoral Visitor that he prays with the Fraternity by means of the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist or in other ways (e.g., spontaneous shared prayer, the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary) and that he proclaims the Word of God in well prepared homilies and at the time of instruction based on the Rule, on the Ritual and on the General Constitutions.


The SFO General Constitutions in Art. 92 say:

5. If it is useful for the service of the Fraternity, the two Visitors, religious and secular, may make the visit at the same time, agreeing beforehand on the program, in a way most consonant with the mission of each of them.

There are some advantages in making the fraternal and pastoral visits together. When the visits are combined, the opportunity is there of comparing personal impressions, of discussing attitudes to be adopted, and perhaps of avoiding making some mistaken judgements. When they are together, the Visitors have a greater opportunity of listening and evaluating. If the pastoral Visitor is on his own, he has less chance for dialogue with the secular leaders. In the face of more demanding situations, the simultaneous presence of both Visitors means that initiatives entailing more responsibility can be taken.

However, the shared visit often creates a difficulty in understanding the importance of the two visits. The freedom should remain of being able to make separate visits as well, when this is deemed to be necessary or useful.

It often happens that the participants give greater prominence to one Visitor. In some cultures, little attention is paid to a lay Visitor or to a female Visitor when a priest-Visitor is present. Or, if both Visitors are men, it can happen that the one who is the secular finds it hard to consider himself on a par with the religious priest.

The situation should be avoided in which one Visitor overshadows the other. The Visitors themselves should be constantly sensitive about maintaining the balance between two visits of equal importance and to ensure that each has the opportunity of introducing himself and of carrying out his own task.

Each of the two visits is very important and serves a specific purpose. To disregard the importance of one visit or the other, whether fraternal or pastoral, would give bad example to the Fraternity and to the Assistant.

One single report can be given on the fraternal and pastoral visits. However, each Visitor is left free to express himself or herself in a separate report. In fact, the visits are different in purpose and there are some things which should be said either by one or the other Visitor.


A. The elections

The Rule of the SFO says little about the elections. In Art. 21 we read:

On various levels, each Fraternity is animated and guided by a Council and Minister (or President) who are elected by the professed according to the Constitutions.

The SFO General Constitutions in Art. 76 say:

2. The elective assembly, or Chapter, will be presided by the Minister of the Council of the immediately higher level, or by his or her delegate, who confirms the election... The Spiritual Assistant of the immediately higher level or his delegate is to be present as a witness of the communion with the First Order and the TOR.

3. The President of the Chapter and the Assistant of the higher level do not have the right to vote.

B. Role of the Assistant in the elections

Being a member of the Council (cf. GC, Art. 89.4), the Assistant of the local Fraternity has active voice in the same Fraternity (cf. GC, Art. 77.1).

The Assistant of the immediately higher level does not act as President of the elective Chapter, neither does he vote.

This Assistant is present as a witness of the communion which should exist between the secular leaders and the friars, and between the local Fraternity and the Order of friars which erected this local Fraternity, thereby assuming responsibility for giving it spiritual assistance and for making pastoral visits to it.

His specific competence lies in the spiritual and apostolic animation and in the formation of the secular leaders (cf. Statutes for Assistance (Stat.Ast.), 36), using the occasion of the Chapter. He promotes the active interest of the Chapter in the pastoral problems and plans of the Church (cf. Stat.Ast. 42).

To present himself as a witness of the communion between the seculars and the religious, the Assistant should live this communion, portraying it in his attitude, words and deeds. It is necessary for him to understand and appreciate the one Franciscan vocation and the Franciscan charism shared by both the religious and the seculars, demonstrating a lively sense of the one Franciscan family.

His service as witness of the communion is of great help but he does not replace the President of the Chapter to whom the guidance, the co-ordination and the animation of the elective Chapter belong (cf. GC, Art. 86.2).


Experience emphasizes the necessity of connecting the two occasions: the visits and the elective Chapter. In this way the fraternal Visitor takes on the additional role of President of the elective Chapter and the pastoral visitor takes on that of the Assistant of the immediately higher level or his delegate.

The connection between the visits and the Chapter can be made in two ways. The visit(s) can be made immediately prior to the elective Chapter for practical reasons, e.g., to cut down on travel expenses; to avoid long-distance journeys; because of lack of available time.

However, making the visit(s) at least three months prior to the Chapter is more effective. In this way, an opportunity is offered of reflecting fully on the Fraternity itself and on the role of the Council, and adequate preparation can be made for the Chapter, involving not alone the Council in office but all the members of the Fraternity. Thus also the people prevented from participating in the election (e.g., the elderly, the sick, those absent at the time of the Chapter) can be consulted with regard to indicating nominations for the proposed lists. It is important likewise to involve the whole Fraternity in a program of prayer asking for discernment according to the Spirit and full adherence to his prompting.


Carl Schafer OFM

I would like to clarify some points that are important for a correct understanding of the Secular Franciscan Order, so that the friars can give the spiritual assistance that the SFO Rule of 1978 and the SFO General Constitutions of 2002 expect us to give. These comments are based on my replies to friar-priests who have shared their problems.
The Secular Franciscans everywhere have adopted the Rule of 1978. Therefore, they consider that they form a single Secular Franciscan Order and a single National Fraternity. They no longer accept the idea of, for example, a "Conventual" or "Capuchin" National Minister, but they understand correctly that they elected a single National Minister who does not belong to any jurisdiction of the friars. The Secular Franciscans are not friars. They are not members of our religious Fraternities or of our Provinces. They are members of their own local Fraternities, of their Regional Fraternities, and of their own National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order.
Each local Fraternity should have a priest appointed as its Spiritual Assistant by the Minister Provincial of one of the four Orders of friars (OFM, Capuchin, Conventual or Third Order Regular) (cf. Rule, 26). If the Spiritual Assistant is not a Franciscan priest, he is to be a priest nevertheless, according to the General Constitutions, Art.91. If he is unable to attend the Fraternity regularly, he can have the cooperation of a Spiritual Animator.
The Spiritual Assistant is not the Director of the local Fraternity, or its Secretary or its Treasurer. He is a member of the local Fraternity Council, with the right to vote in all matters, except in financial decisions. His vote counts as one, just as the vote of each secular Councillor counts as one (cf. Const. 89).
If these are the ideas and the practice of the leaders and members of the SFO in your country, they are in accord with the Rule and the General Constitutions of their Order. They should not be interpreted as a rejection of the Spiritual Assistant or of the priest. Juridically, the Secular Franciscans are a legitimately constituted secular Order recognized as such by the Roman Catholic Church (cf. Const. 1). They are autonomous in so far as they are governed by their own fraternity councils at the various levels, from local to international (cf. Const. 31).
If the Ministers Provincial and the Assistants are ignored by the Secular Franciscans, it is not the fault of the Secular Franciscan Order or of the Church that recognizes it as a universal and international public association of the laity. It could be the fault of certain persons who are not ideal Secular Franciscans, or it could be the fault of the Ministers Provincial and Assistants themselves who do not know the legislation of the Church in relation to the SFO, or who do not implement it.
It can happen that the Secular Franciscans oppose a spiritual Assistant because he behaves like the former spiritual Director of a Third Order Fraternity, thinking that the local SFO Fraternity belongs to him and his Order. The priest will certainly be opposed if he fails to understand the difference between a spiritual Director of the former Third Order and a spiritual Assistant of the present Secular Franciscan Order. But the Secular Franciscans have no right to exclude him from the meetings of the Fraternity Council. If they have problems with him, they should refer their difficulties to the SFO Regional Council, if it exists, or else to the National Council, who should take up the problem with the Minister Provincial, through the Provincial Assistant or directly.
Many of the Assistants' problems are concerned with local situations that should be referred to the SFO local Fraternity Council or, if they cannot be resolved at the local or regional levels, to the SFO National Council. The General Assistant would be involved only if the National Council cannot resolve a serious problem and if it refers the case to the Presidency of the International Council.
I want to thank those friars who have shared their concerns with me. It helps me to understand the difficulties that face priests in changing their role from spiritual Director of the Franciscan Third Order Secular to spiritual Assistant of the Secular Franciscan Order.



Rome, March 28, 2002

Dear Br. Valentín,

In a letter of last February 13, in the name of the Conference of General Assistants of the Secular Franciscan Order, you sent us the Statutes for Spiritual and Pastoral Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order, revised after a careful and thorough study and based on the General Constitutions of the SFO, definitively approved on December 8, 2000 by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
It is my pleasure to inform you that our Conference of General Ministers of the First Order and the TOR, at its meeting of March 25, 2002, approved these Statutes which, by the act of approval, enter immediately into force, substituting the preceding ones approved in 1992.
The general Ministers entrust to the Conference of General Assistants the task making these new Statutes known to all brothers of the Franciscan First Order and the TOR and to foster its understanding and study. This instrument can thus serve as a basis for our fraternal service to the SFO and guide us all in our relations with the SFO according to our own vocation and the specific nature of the SFO itself.
On this occasion, also in name of the other general Ministers, I thank you and the other general Assistants of the SFO for your generous and constant service.
Wishing you and the other Assistants a Happy Easter,

Your Brother,

Fr. Joachim Giermek OFMConv
General Minister

C.c.: Emanuela De Nunzio

President of the Conference of General Assistants


Title I: General Principles

Art. 1
1. The spiritual and pastoral care of the SFO, in virtue of its belonging to the same spiritual family, is entrusted by the Church to the Franciscan First Order and the TOR, to whom the Secular Fraternity has been united for centuries .
2. Religious and Secular Franciscans in fact, in various ways and forms but in life-giving union with each other, aim to make present the charism of their common Seraphic Father in the life and mission of the Church and of society .
3. Therefore, as a concrete sign of communion and co-responsibility, religious superiors must assure spiritual assistance to all the fraternities of the SFO .

Art. 2
1. The spiritual and pastoral care is provided as a two-fold service:
-- the fraternal office of the altius moderamen on the part of the major Superiors ;
-- spiritual assistance to the fraternities and their Councils.
2. The purpose of the altius moderamen is to guarantee the fidelity of the SFO to the Franciscan charism, communion with the Church and union with the Franciscan family .
3. The purpose of spiritual assistance is to foster communion with the Church and with the Franciscan Family through witness and sharing of Franciscan spirituality, to cooperate in initial and on-going formation of secular Franciscans and to express the fraternal affection of the religious towards the SFO .

Art. 3
1. This two-fold service completes but does not substitute for the secular councils and ministers whose responsibility it is to guide, coordinate, and animate the fraternities at the various levels .
2. It is exercised according to these present Statutes, common to the four religious Orders (OFM, OFMConv, OFMCap, TOR) and must be performed collegially at all levels above the local level .

Art. 4
1. The purpose of the present Statutes is to define, in a unified and concrete way, the service of the spiritual and pastoral care of the SFO, taking into account the unity of that same Order.
2. These Statutes are approved by the Conference of General Ministers. The Conference has the right of modification and authentic interpretation.
3. Those provisions which do not agree with the present Statutes are abrogated.

Title II: The Role of the Major Superiors
a. General Principles
Art. 5
1. The spiritual and pastoral care of the SFO, entrusted by the Church to the Franciscan First Order and the TOR, is the duty above all of their general and provincial ministers .
2. They exercise their office through:
-- the establishment of local fraternities;
-- pastoral visits;
-- spiritual assistance.
They may exercise this office personally or through a delegate .
3. The Franciscan major Superiors remain responsible for the quality of spiritual assistance and pastoral care, even in those cases where previous approval from a religious Superior or from the local Ordinary is needed to appoint the Assistant .
4. They should also foster the formation and the interest of their own religious in the SFO and ensure a specific preparation for the Assistants so that they will be suitable and well-prepared .

Art. 6
1. The canonical establishment of new fraternities is done at the request of the secular Franciscans concerned and with the prior consultation and collaboration of the SFO council at the higher level, to which the new fraternity will be related according to the national statutes. The written consent of the local Ordinary is necessary for the canonical establishment of a fraternity outside the houses or churches of the Franciscan religious of the First Order or the TOR .
2. Any transfer of a local fraternity to the pastoral care of another religious Franciscan Order is done according to the procedures established by the national statutes of the SFO .
3. The pastoral visit is a privileged moment of communion of the First Order and the TOR with the SFO. It is carried out also in the name of the Church and serves to guarantee fidelity to the Franciscan charism and to foster communion with the Church and with the Franciscan Family .

Art. 7
1. The major superiors of the First Order and the TOR are to establish together the most adequate means to guarantee spiritual assistance to local fraternities which, because of causes beyond their control, could remain without such assistance .
2. They also take care to keep in touch with local Ordinaries who have erected local fraternities of the SFO in accordance with its specific legislation, taking upon themselves the responsibility for their spiritual assistance and pastoral care or entrusting it to one of their priests or to a religious Institute.

b. The General Ministers
Art. 8
1. The general Ministers exercise collegially the altius moderamen and the pastoral assistance in regard to the SFO as a whole .
2. It belongs specifically to the Conference of General Ministers of the First Order and the TOR:
-- to conduct relations with the Holy See concerning legislative or liturgical texts requiring the approval of the Holy See;
-- to visit the Presidency of the International Council of the SFO ;
-- to preside over and to confirm the election of the Presidency of the International Council of the SFO ;
-- if the case arises, to accept the resignation of the general Minister of the SFO .

Art. 9
1. The general Ministers exercise their office towards the SFO in accordance with the universal law of the Church, with their own Constitutions and with full respect for the specific laws of the SFO. They have the faculty to establish, visit, and meet the local SFO fraternities which are assisted by their own Order.
2. In relation to his own Order, it is the responsibility of each general Minister:
-- to appoint the general Assistant of the SFO, who, under the authority of the general Minister, looks after all things regarding service to the SFO ;
-- if needed, to confirm or to appoint the national Assistants belonging to his own Order.

c. Provincial Ministers
Art. 10
1. The provincial Ministers and the other major Superiors exercise their responsibilities towards the SFO in the territory of their own jurisdiction.
2. Where more than one major Superior have jurisdiction in the same territory, they are to establish together the most adequate means for carrying out collegially their mission with respect to the regional and national fraternities of the SFO .
3. They are likewise to jointly draw up procedures for the appointment of the national and regional Assistants and also to establish from which Superiors the national and regional Councils of the SFO should request an Assistant .

Art. 11
1. The provincial Ministers and the other major superiors assure spiritual assistance to the local fraternities entrusted to their own jurisdiction .
2. It is their specific competence, in the name of their jurisdiction:
-- to canonically establish new local fraternities and to guarantee them spiritual assistance;
-- to animate spiritually, to visit, and to meet the local fraternities assisted by their own Order;
-- to keep themselves informed about the spiritual assistance given to the SFO and the Franciscan Youth ;
-- to appoint the spiritual Assistants .

Title III: The Role of the Spiritual Assistants
a. General principles
Art. 12
1. The spiritual assistant is the person designated by the competent major superior to carry out this service for a specific fraternity of the SFO and of the Franciscan Youth .
2. In order to be a witness of Franciscan spirituality and of the fraternal affection of the religious towards the secular Franciscans, and to be a bond of communion between his Order and the SFO, the spiritual assistant should preferably be a Franciscan religious, a member of the First Order or the TOR .
3. The spiritual assistant is by right a voting member of the council and of the chapter of the fraternity to which he or she gives assistance and collaborates with it in all activities. Only in economic matters and in elections at any level does he or she not enjoy the right to vote .

Art. 13

1. The principal task of the assistant is to foster a deeper insight into Franciscan spirituality and to co-operate in the initial and continuing formation of the secular Franciscans .
2. In the Council of the fraternity and in elective and ordinary Chapters the assistant will be respectful of the responsibilities and role of the secular Franciscans, giving them priority with regard to the guidance, co-ordination, and animation of the fraternity.
3. The assistant participates actively and votes in the discussions and decisions taken by the Council or by the Chapter. He or she is specifically responsible for the animation of liturgical celebrations and spiritual reflections during the meetings of the Council or of the Chapter.

Art. 14
1. The pastoral visit is a privileged moment of communion of the First Order and the TOR with the SFO. It is carried out also in the name of the Church and serves to revive the evangelical Franciscan spirit, to assure fidelity to the charism and to the Rule, to offer help to fraternity life, to reinforce the bond of the unity of the SFO, and to promote its most effective insertion into the Franciscan family and the Church .
2. The visitor strengthens the fraternity in its presence and mission in the Church and in society; verifies the relation between the secular and religious fraternities; gives special attention to programs, methods, and experiences of formation; gives attention to the collaboration and sense of co-responsibility among the secular leaders and the spiritual assistants; examines the quality of the spiritual assistance given to the visited fraternity; encourages the spiritual assistants in their service and promotes their continuing spiritual and pastoral formation .
3. At the request of the respective Council, a delegate of the Conference of Assistants carries out the pastoral visit, fully respectful of the SFO’s own organization and law . For urgent and serious reasons or in case of failure on the part of the minister or the council to request it, the pastoral visit may be carried out upon the initiative of the conference of spiritual assistants, having consulted the Council of the SFO of the same level .
4. It is recommended that the pastoral and fraternal visits be carried out together, with agreement beforehand on the program. The visitor or the visitors will in good time communicate the object and the program of the visit to the council concerned. They will examine the registers and the records, including those relating to previous visits, to the election of the council and to the administration of goods. They will draw up a report of the visit they have conducted, appending it to the records in the appropriate register of the fraternity visited, and will inform the council of the level which has conducted the visit .
5. In the visit to the local fraternity, the visitor or visitors will meet with the entire fraternity and with the groups and sections into which it is divided. They will give special attention to the brothers and sisters in formation and to those brothers and sisters who may request a personal meeting. Where required, they will proceed to the fraternal correction of the shortcomings possibly encountered .

Art. 15
1. The Assistant is appointed by the competent major Superior, after consultation with the council of the fraternity concerned .
2. Where more than one major Superior is involved in the appointment of an Assistant, the norms established jointly by the Superiors with jurisdiction in the territory should be followed .
3. The appointment of the Assistant is made in writing and for a limited time, which accumulated cannot be more than twelve years.
4. When it is not possible to give the fraternity a spiritual Assistant who is a member of the First Order or the TOR, the competent major Superior can entrust the service of spiritual assistance to:
-- religious brothers or sisters of other Franciscan institutes;
-- secular Franciscans, cleric or lay, specially prepared for such service;
-- other diocesan clerics or non-Franciscan religious .

Art. 16
1. At the international, national, and regional level, the Assistants, if there are more than one, form a Conference and give their service collegially to the SFO and to the Franciscan Youth .
2. Each Conference of Assistants functions according to its own internal by-laws.
3. The national and regional Statutes of the SFO establish the number of Assistants who are members of the national or regional Council.

b. General Assistants
Art. 17
1. The general Assistants are appointed by their respective general Minister, after consultation with the Presidency of the International Council of the SFO .
2. They give their service to the Presidency of the International Council of the SFO, form a conference, and collegially see to the spiritual assistance to the SFO as a whole .
3. It is the responsibility of the Conference of general Assistants:
-- to collaborate with the international Council and its Presidency in the spiritual and apostolic animation of the SFO and in a special way in the formation of the secular leaders;
-- to co-ordinate, at the international level, the spiritual assistance to the SFO and the Franciscan Youth;
-- to foster the interest of the friars and their Superiors in the SFO and in the Franciscan Youth;
-- to provide for the pastoral visits of the national Councils of the SFO and the presence at the national elective Chapters .

Art. 18
1. The general Assistant must keep his general Minister and his Order informed on the life and activities of the SFO and the Franciscan Youth.
2. He shall also deal with matters regarding the service of assistance given by his Order to the SFO and to the Franciscan Youth, meet the local fraternities assisted by his own Order and keep constant fraternal contacts with the assistants of his own Order.

c. National Assistants
Art. 19

1. The national Assistants of the SFO and the Franciscan Youth are appointed by the competent major Superior, after consultation with the respective national council . Where more than one major Superior is involved in the appointment, the norms established together by the Superiors with jurisdiction in the national territory shall be followed .
2. They give their service to the national council and see to the spiritual assistance to the national fraternity. If they are more than one, they form a Conference and render their service collegially .
3. It is the responsibility of the Conference of national Assistants, or to the national Assistant if there is only one:
-- to collaborate with the national Council in the task of spiritual and apostolic animation of the secular Franciscans in the life of the Church and the society of the country, and in a special way in the formation of the leaders;
-- to provide for the pastoral visits of the regional Councils of the SFO and to ensure a presence at the regional elective Chapters ;
-- to coordinate, at the national level, the service of spiritual assistance, the formation of the assistants, and the fraternal union among them;
-- to foster the interest of the friars in the SFO and in the Franciscan Youth.

Art. 20
1. The national Assistant must keep the major Superiors and his Order informed on the life and activities of the SFO and the Franciscan Youth in the country.
2. He shall also deal with matters regarding the service of assistance given by his Order to the SFO and to the Franciscan Youth, meet the local fraternities assisted by his own Order and keep fraternal and constant contacts with the regional and local assistants of his own Order.

d. Regional Assistants
Art. 21
1. The regional Assistants to the SFO and the Franciscan Youth are appointed by the competent major Superior, after consultation with the respective regional council . Where more than one major Superior is involved in the appointment, the norms established jointly by the Superiors with jurisdiction in the territory of the regional fraternity shall be followed .
2. They give their service to the regional council and see to the spiritual assistance to the regional fraternity. If they are more than one, they form a conference and render their service collegially .
3. It is the responsibility of the Conference of regional Assistants, or to the regional Assistant if there is only one:
-- to collaborate with the regional Council in the task of spiritual and apostolic animation of the secular Franciscans in the life of the Church and of society in the region, and in a special way in the formation of the leaders;
-- to provide for the pastoral visits of the local Councils of the SFO and to ensure a presence at the local elective Chapters ;
-- to coordinate, at the regional level, the service of spiritual assistance, the formation of the Assistants and the fraternal union among them;
-- to foster the interest of the friars in the SFO and in the Franciscan Youth.

Art. 22
1. The regional Assistant must keep the major Superiors and his Order informed on the life and activities of the SFO and of the Franciscan Youth in the region.
2. He shall also deal with matters regarding the service of assistance given by his Order to the SFO and the Franciscan Youth, meet the local fraternities assisted by his own Order in the region and keep constant fraternal contacts with the local assistants of his own Order.

e. Local Assistants
Art. 23
1. The local Assistant is appointed by the competent major Superior, according to the law of his own Order, having heard the council of the fraternity concerned .
2. The local assistant fosters communion within the fraternity and between the fraternity and the First Order or the TOR. In harmony with the local Guardian or Superior, the assistant sees to it that between the religious and the secular fraternities a real life-giving union with each other exists. He or she fosters the active presence of the fraternity in the Church and in society.

Art. 24
1. The local Assistant, together with the Council of the fraternity, is responsible for the formation of the candidates and expresses his or her assessment of each of the candidates before profession .
2. Together with the Minister, the assistant discusses with the brothers or sisters in difficulty, who want to retire from the fraternity or who act in serious opposition to the Rule .



General Constitutions:

Article 60

1 . Care for the Secular Franciscan Order is entrusted to the first Order. The secular Franciscans spread the spirit of St. Francis in the world. They are our partners in living, witnessing to and promoting the Franciscan charism. They make their own necessary and complementary contribution to the fullness of the Franciscan charism.

2. The Friars Minor should always value the Secular Franciscan Order so that it can be imbued more and more with the true Franciscan spirit. The brothers should support the Secular Order with special care and promote reciprocal well-being and mutual help. They should help build up the Secular Franciscans in the world, especially among young people.

Article 61

1 . General and provincial ministers have authority to erect and visit fraternities of Secular Franciscans. The Secular Order comes under the higher direction of these same ministers in the manner determined in the Rule and the proper legislation of the Secular Franciscan Order.

2. The brothers should willingly provide spiritual and pastoral help to the Secular Franciscan Order, as prescribed in their Rule and legislation.

Article 62

Spiritual assistants should be concerned that all brothers and sisters of the

Secular Franciscan Order follow faithfully in the footsteps of St. Francis. The seculars will then spread the gospel message all over the world. They will also radiate the special characteristics of Franciscan spirituality: fellowship, witness and service in the world.

General Statutes:

Article 27

The general minister appoints the Order's spiritual assistant to the Secular Franciscan Order. The provincial ministers appoint the spiritual assistant for an individual country, if such is required. The provincial minister appoints the spiritual assistant for the individual province. In all these instances the respective governing board of the Secular Franciscan Order should first be consulted.

Article 28

1. The general assistant to the Secular Franciscan Order provides leadership and coordination for all the spiritual assistants of the OFM jurisdiction. He also renders pastoral assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order associated with our Order.

2. The general assistant should cooperate with the general assistants of the other jurisdictions, working together with them according to special statutes.

General Constitutions:

Article 11

3. United by the Holy Spirit in the same calling, let us foster a sense of brotherhood throughout the entire Order and especially in our provinces and local communities by common prayer and activity. Let us cultivate that same sense toward all our brothers and sisters, whether religious or secular, who form with us one Franciscan family.

Article 94

1. The variety of religious groups, which has developed by the plan of God for the good of the Church, flourishes as well within one and the same Franciscan spiritual family so that the charism of the Founder may spread and exercise its vigour through many brothers and sisters, including the Secular Order.

2. Let us live, therefore, in a brotherly communion of the same spirit and willingly promote through mutual cooperation the study and common initiatives of Franciscan life and activity.

Article 95

1. Within the ambit of the Franciscan family, the Secular Franciscan Fraternity or Order occupies a special place that shares and promotes its authentic spirit. It should be esteemed as necessary for the fullness of the Franciscan charism.

2. In it, the brothers and sisters, moved by the Holy Spirit, are prompted to attain the perfection of charity in their secular state by professing to live the Gospel after the manner of St. Francis.

3. The Secular Franciscan Order, united to our Order by its origins, history and sharing of life, has been entrusted to our care by the Holy See.

4. Let the brothers, therefore, be eager to show from their heart a truly brotherly attitude for members of the Secular Order, nourish by their example fidelity to the gospel life, and effectively foster the Order itself among the secular clergy and laity.

5. Our superiors have the right to establish fraternities of the Secular Franciscan Order in all our houses and elsewhere, observing the prescriptions of law. Let them be vigilant so that a true, vital sharing be fostered between the fraternities of our Order and those of the Secular Order.

6. Superiors should take care that by sharing and coordinating resources with the other Franciscan families continual and zealous spiritual and pastoral assistance be provided for the Secular Franciscan Fraternity especially through suitable brothers properly assigned to this ministry according to the norms of its particular legislation and the universal law.

7. Let the brothers willingly offer spiritual assistance to this Order. Always mindful of its secular status, they should not interfere in its internal government, excepting in cases mentioned in law.

8. As a sign of co-responsibility, the governing board of the respective Secular Franciscan fraternities should be consulted whenever it is a matter of appointing spiritual assistants or of establishing fraternities.

9. Likewise, let all associations cultivating the spirit of St. Francis, especially those of young people, be promoted and assisted spiritually. Let our houses become centres of fraternal gathering and inspiration for all, clergy and laity, who wish to follow the footprints of Christ under the direction of Saint Francis.

Article 152

1. As they recognize the role of the laity in the life and activity of the Church, let the brothers encourage the lay people to assume the different ministries proper to them, especially in the work of evangelization. Likewise [the brothers] should promote associations of the faithful whose members strive to live and proclaim the word of God and to change the world from within.

2. Among these associations, the Secular Franciscan Order should be close to our heart. Let us cooperate with Secular Franciscans that their fraternities may progress as communities of faith endowed with a special effectiveness for evangelization, as well as in the formation of individual members. Thus they may spread the kingdom of God not only by the example of their life but also by various kinds of apostolic activity.


General Constitutions:

Article 116

1 . The friars, particularly the designated assistants, should offer to the Secular Franciscan Order the means for leading a life of perfection and for cooperating in the works of the apostolate, in such wise that its members can effectively fulfill their responsibilities in the Church.

2. The Minister General everywhere and the Minister Provincial in his own province have the right to do whatever is required, in conformity with the prescriptions of law and of the respective constitutions, for the erection and assistance of fraternities of the Secular Franciscan Order.

3. The provincial chapter shall carefully select an assistant for the Secular Franciscan Order so that everything may be promoted and coordinated properly.

Article 133

2. The Secular Franciscan Order should he promoted everywhere, in accordance with Const. n. 116. Moreover, knowledge of the spirit of St. Francis should be fostered among diocesan priests so that they, too, will join the Secular Franciscan Order, extend its activities into their parishes and societies, and then in turn receive assistance from the members of the Secular Franciscan Order.

General Statutes:

Article 41

5. Faithful to the spirit of Franciscan life and also in keeping with existing circumstances and observing all legal norms, friars should take great pains to establish our Order in the mission land from the very start and to make it a part of the local Church. This entails the following: the foundation of Franciscan religious communities and the Secular Franciscan Order and, as far as possible, the inception and promotion of the contemplative life of the Poor Clares.

Article 51

The Secular Franciscan Order (Third Order Secular) shares a common origin and charism with the First Order, to which its spiritual care has been entrusted by the Holy See (Const. n. 133, #2).

Article 52

1. All friars should consider the Secular Franciscan Order as the modern, necessary complement to their charism, esteem it highly, and foster it zealously. Therefore, the friars should be solicitous that the tertiaries, trained in the school of evangelical perfection, be a leaven in their own secular sphere and witnesses to poverty, love, joy, peace, marital fidelity, obedience to the Church, apostolic Christocentrism and sincere devotion to the Virgin Mary.

2. In promoting the Secular Franciscan Order, the Franciscan spirit, which answers the needs of young people, should be greatly emphasized.

Article 53

All the friars, from the time of their probation and throughout their years of study, should receive careful and diligent training in every aspect of the Secular Franciscan Order -- its history, legislation, and customs -- so that, from among these friars may be chosen spiritual assistants: men exemplifying the true Franciscan spirit and inspiring all tertiaries to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis. These friars should likewise foster mutual contact and collaboration with other Franciscan families and with the Secular Franciscan Order under these other Franciscans' jurisdiction. Tertiaries should be encouraged to collaborate in every way in all Catholic apostolates.

Article 54

The friars assigned to care for the Secular Franciscan Order should remember that they are called to serve their brethren living in the world. Therefore, they should not become unduly involved in the Order's administration, except in those matters specified by law.

Article 55

1 . Suitable spiritual assistants for the Secular Franciscan Order are to be selected at every level of jurisdiction.

2. The spiritual assistants who represent the whole Order are selected by the Minister General; at the national level they are chosen by the conference of ministers provincial.

3. The provincial chapter, however, shall elect a spiritual assistant for the Secular Franciscan Order to represent the province, after consulting the tertiary provincial council, should this seem opportune.